Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Think and Move A Little Bit ... Beyond . Macchiato

"Life is difficult." Simple and sharp prologue from the book of M.Scott Peck, The Road Less Travelled.
It's hard to deny, yet, I couldn't remember how I come till this far, either it's involuntarily or it's really without striking a blow. It doesn't matter, move beyond what happened in the past, and what left over is today, and tomorrow.
I spend an afternoon stick to the comfortable sofa at Starbucks, read a book which I bought few months ago, Mindpower Secrets. Not to forget, my coffee of the day is Caramel Macchiato. Well, honestly, I never try a Macchiato, turns out it's a nice try for today, and surprisingly suits my day well. So I do my homework after that, Macchiato is made out of espresso with a small amount of milk, different from Latte, which contain lots of milk and a little amount of coffee. Macchiato means 'marked' or 'stained', it was first used to describe the milk stained on top of the espresso, and latter it refer to the foamed milk put on top of the coffee. Besides, there are some differences in the choice of milk, Macchiato Caldo is prepared with hot milk, on the other hand, Macchiato Freddo is prepared with cold milk. I ordered the Macchiato with cold milk and caramel today, perhaps I shall try the one with hot milk during the next visit to Starbucks. :)
In case you never know me nor meet me, I am a huge coffee fans too.

Still hearing to Lonely World by Bryan Greenberg. Suddenly I realize, time and getting busy didn't help one to forget someone or something that he or she needs to forget, it neither could stop one from thinking or missing about it. The someone or something still haunting around it's because of that one is still care about it and couldn't let go of it.
Eventually, it had become a part of everyday, when the sun rises and sun sets. Until a day that one actually, really, completely, let go of it.
I never let go of my feelings actually, at least not now. Somehow, missing, it's like a dying dream, sarcastically, hopeless but wonderful.
September 8, 2011.