Sunday, July 29, 2012

过去; 现在.

在电台听到 Fiona 薛凯琪的 [Better Me]. 一听就很喜欢.
喜欢, 因为很适合现在的我吧. 一个重新整理行囊再出发的我, 一个人的我, 准备面对很多未知的未来的我. Choose to hug my life with tolerance, open my eyes to see a little more, step out a little further to move on, smile a little more because I think I might be pretty. Life is always a mystery, I always believe the goods and bads, they happened for a reason.
Just learn to be a better me.

过去, 年少无知也不知天高地厚, 以为未来是一件那么容易的事, 成长是那么不费力的事. 一路闯荡下来, 不知不觉就快要25岁了, 就要开始为未来的5年做准备了. 学习了负责任, 学习了面对害怕, 学习懂事, 学习世俗, 学习选择, 学习作主, 学习独立, 虽然没有一样做得好, 但还是做到了简单和肤浅. 我已经不是高喊要去闯荡江湖的海盗小王子, 现在, 我只是一个谦卑的旅客; 不再满口的冒险, 而是平淡简单的行囊. 以往要出去是为了不平凡; 现在出门是为了学会平凡, 学会看懂世俗. 过去是因为装满了勇气才出去闯荡; 现在继续前进是一步一步学会装载更多的勇气. 

或许, 这世上再也没有第二个人懂得这些 [过去; 现在] 对于我来说是多么具有意义的事. 
July 29, 2012.

Makan feast at Melacca - Part Two, Coffee.

Love how coffee tastes, love how coffee colors my life.

Recommended by my colleague: Calanthe Art Cafe.
11, Jalan Hang Katsuri, Melaka.
This cafe is located at one of the Jonker Street lorongs. If you have not visited all the thirteen states of Malaysia, welcome to this cafe, it has coffee of the 13 states of Malaysia.

It does not have Caramel Macchiato as I ordered those which my colleagues described as "weird" coffee. We spent three evenings at this cafe after working, it is quite a nice cafe for relaxing, the desserts are good as well. I recommended the puddings and caramel slice, they are delicious and perfect desserts with coffee.
I love to look at the small aquarium and the cupboard with all the coffee-related things on it. Inspired me to start my own coffee collections, haha.

Learn to enjoy and appreciate something, is a gain, is a gift.

Makan Feast at Melacca - Part One.

A first working trip with three eating monsters to Melacca. Well, my trip ended up very predictable - makan and party to the max!
Melacca is not only well known for the historical scenery, of course, nice foods as well! Guess four of us are the lucky four to have this chance to enjoy our whole weekend with a formal excuse "business trip", lols!

Introduced by my colleague: Makko Nyonya Restaurant
No.123, Off Jalan Parameswara, Taman Melaka Raya, 75000 Melaka, Melaka.
I am not familiar with the location of Melacca, I think it is some where quite near to Dataran Pahlawan. There are a number of nyonya restaurants in Melacca. The previous nyonya restaurant I went with my cousin in January was Nancy Kitchen at Jonker Street. Both restaurant are good, I can't tell which is better. Gonna go Melacca again to explore more.
Satay Celup is a Must-try in Melacca. Introduced by my colleague as well: Restaurant Ban Lee Siang.
45E, Jalan Ong Kim Wee, Melaka.
One of the two famous satay celup, another one is Capitol. I tried both, but....unfortunately, I am not a big fans of satay celup, I only fancy satay....haha, however, it is a nice place for supper :)

Portuguese grill! How can we missed it? We had our dinner at Portuguese Settlement for two nights! Seafood and Seafood and Seafood...and the mango juice as well, taste sweet and sour, quite nice. I did not take much photos as my Samsung Note is always out of battery after the long day...lols...

Had my lunch on a late afternoon with my manager. This was recommended by him: Pork Noodle at Hing Loong Taiwanese Noodle.
No.11-J, Jalan Banchang, 75300 Melaka.
The location of this noodle shop is quite near to Ban Hong Xiang Tea House, which is a dim sum restaurant, yummmmmmm!
The noodle taste good, I feel like having more pork chop, the portion bit ... small.... lols.
Our breakfast on the last day of our working trip - Ban Hong Xiang Tea House, at Jalan Banchang. Niceee~~~the whole table was full of platessss...... Cheers! My colleagues memang eating monsters...however, we fully enjoy the trip ;-)


今天重复听的歌是戴佩妮和黄威尔的 [我们之间] .

常听人说, people come people go.
有时候, 我都不敢去回想那么多的过去, 也带着那种忐忑的心情等待下一刻.
很想说, 我真的有在努力, 无论是坚持或是离开, 我都是那么的努力去让整个句点完整. 成长, 最让我讨厌的部分就是领悟, 最让我庆幸的部分也是领悟. 有时候, 那些越清楚的画面, 越是尖锐刺眼.
"Till we meet again."
此刻, 我也真的明白, 在不明白, 和在明白的情况下, 说了这句话, 真的很不同.
我放下蒙着眼睛的双手, 阳光突然变得那么刺眼, 我本能的锁紧眉头紧闭着双眼, 慢慢的, 还是睁开眼睛看清楚眼前的风景, 去领悟属于我的风景. 也许, 这是一件好事, 我终于可以放开一些人一些事, 往自己的方向前进.

此刻, 多想梦见阳光美丽的午后.
July 29, 2012.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

越来 越 不懂.

那一瞬间, 莫名的觉得好难过, 有种眼泪突然要掉下的感觉. 突然的让我措手不及, 然而却在下一个瞬间醒来, 然后用力把就快涌出的眼泪拉回来. 越来越不懂, 这种莫名又那么沉重的难过是为了什么.
我那么的用力, 明白释怀放开快乐假装, 我连沉默也如此用力.
却越来越不懂, 对与错, 是与非. 也许我最没办法做到的, 就是用力的离开, 用力的去恨.

今天工作时又去找苦涩的咖啡, 结果一个早上就喝了两杯. 之前朋友一直说要去Dome Cafe, 可是大家都太忙, 抱歉了, 我自己先去享受了. 今天难得可以一边工作一边喝咖啡呢. 可惜, 还是没有我最爱的caramel macchiato, 所以只点了long macchiato. 哈哈, 我是钟情于 macchiato 吧, 喜欢它给我一种刚刚好的味道, 既不太浓, 也不太淡.
就像我的个性, 不浓不淡, 好像没太要求, 好像一点也不像挑剔的处女座, 而其实一直要求拿捏的刚刚好也是一个很有难度的挑战.

对了, 今天是我的buddy S-O-O 生日, 在这里祝福他开开心心, 顺顺利利~Ong Arrr!

有些事情, 不得不承认, 就算我再怎么努力再怎么用力再有决心也只是徒劳. 那虽与时间无关, 却也只能把抉择交由时间. 可我却在明白这点的同时, 已经伤痕累累. 
July 25, 2012.

Monday, July 23, 2012


又无故缺席一段日子. 去了不少地方, 拍了不少照片, 吃了不少东西, 也过了很多...鸟日子. 有时候真想公开大声喊: 我累了!
那天有个朋友突然对我说, 他很羡慕我的生活. 于是我想了好久, 我生活过得怎么样了? 我从来没有认真的想过, 我总是像个海贝, 把很多事情都封闭了. 即使累了, 还是若无其事笑容满面的样子, 我想我就累在于不知道自己的底线在哪里吧. 有时候不知道自己是傻还是真的很能撑. 反正, 日子还是得好好的过. 所以, 我依然去很多地方, 拍很多照片, 吃很多东西, 过很多个...管它是个什么日子, 忙得没完没了, 累了就睡, 睡饱再说.
莫名的一直重复听着张学友的[咖啡], 直到今天喝了一杯很苦的咖啡, 好像终于尝到了歌词的某些部分. 有一种苦到心里的感觉, 像一个巴掌往自己打, 突然醒了, 已经不可能再装下去了. 这些沉静的日子里, 其实也想了很多, 突然就喜欢上这种咖啡的苦涩, 好让自己保持清醒.

July 23, 2012.