Sunday, November 27, 2011

Expiring Date of Desire ...

他说, 人是犯贱的, 明知道会痛, 却还要选择走这条路.
我想, 是啊, 而且一而再的重蹈覆辙, 也许, 我们也乐在其中吧.
一切只是一种过程, 重要的就是走过这样的过程, 而无论结局是什么, 还是要学会释然. 人生的结局, 在我懂事以来已经预知了, 只是, 我不知道人生的过程, 会有怎样的际遇. 不久之后, 才明白了, 人生就是一种过程.
我不确定预知这样东西, 但是偶尔猜测和推论也是可以描绘出我们对未来的想象中的答案. 我明明也猜测到结局, 但还是控制不了心里在期待着想象中的美好. 矛盾的一边在期待幻想中, 一边在唤醒自己要清楚知道后果会有什么. 欲望像是童话中的恶魔, 使用着魔法绘出各种糖果屋的幻想, 正因为知道我们想听到, 想看到的, 所以很准确的制造让人向往的答案, 左右人的思想. 每个人的心里, 都有这个恶魔. 面对一个自己想听到的答案, 和一个自己不想听到的答案中挣扎, 是蛮左右为难的事. 像我对一些理论, 从来都分不清对错. Life is just a dream, 那究竟生活是一场梦, 还是醒着才是真正的生活呢?
尽管如此, 我今天还是很快乐的, 而这份大大的快乐, 来自小小的知足. 也让我知道了, 有时候, 人生最大的快乐, 就是知足. 我不懂有一天, 我会不会变的被欲望蒙蔽, 会不会变的自私, 变的贪心不再满足. 但是在这一刻, 我仍然感激, 珍惜现在拥有的一切, 甚至感动得好想哭, 我想这一份感动没有人可以明白, 甚至有人会认为我疯了, 可能我也会认为自己真的傻了.

我希望, 这份感动, 没有截止日期.
November 28, 2011.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

this might be nothing but a dream...

"Yet mark'd I where the bolt of Cupid fell:
It fell upon a little western flower, -
Before milk-white, now purple with love's wound, -
And maidens call it love-in-idleness.

Fetch me that flower, the herb I showed thee once:
The juice of it on sleeping eyelids laid
Will make or man or woman madly dote
Upon the next live creature that it sees."

-Shakespeare's [A midsummer night's dream].

This is my favourite piece from William Shakespeare. In a woodland, and in the realm of Fairyland, under the light of moon, where a ridiculous love comedy was set. Oberon order Puck to help him apply a magical juice from a flower called "love-in-idleness", which applied to a person's eyelids while sleeping makes the victim fall in love with the first living thing upon awakening. And the mischief begins.
At the end, Puck says this might be nothing but a dream.

I wonder the existence of love-in-idleness. Is there a reason that make people madly dote?
If it is so, who is the one in that person you are in love with? Who is the one you sees in that person, or you understand in that person which attractive enough for you and it's different with others?

Good Night. Sweet dream, to the whole world.
November 24, 2011.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Lovely Quote made the day :)

Saw a quote today, 'Do you believe love at the first sight or should I walk by again?'
Hahaha, then I laughed, silly. It's lovely.
It's ridiculous, to find people are ridiculous.

Yes, I wish you will walk by again. Haha.
November 23, 2011.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

The ED: version, One Day, and Me.

Twenties years, two people.
Just finished this movie this afternoon, [One Day], from the novel by David Nicholls. July 15, 1988 - Dexter and Emma begin a lifetime friendship after their college graduation and a night spending together. For the next two decades, twenties July 15ths, together and apart, their lives take different directions, meet different people. Somewhere along their journey, they realize that what they are searching and hoping for has been there for them all along.
Starring by Anne Hathaway and Jim Sturgess.

Have you found what you have been searching for in all this while?
Hold tight.

Love made loneliness lasting like forever, by Soda Green. Yea, either love or loved, had magnify the loneliness, and lonely is because of love or loved.
Neither do I, I don't remember both. And therefore, I am not lonely, look closely in my eyes, and you'll found me, I am not lonely, I am just empty. I only exist, when you hold me tight, when you sees me through the eyes and I know you sees something in me, and, when you think of me in one of those days, I smiled. This is me, even I start talking, it still, never seems to completely empty what's in my head and heart. But, I am just a swallow and simple person.

How could it be?
November 21, 2011.

Saturday, November 19, 2011


苏打绿 - 幸福额度

作词:吴青峰 作曲:吴青峰

Listen 你现在的感情 从何选择
看天气的脸色 还是体温
幸福不会是牛顿 一颗苹果成学问
所以 得不到那个人 是否该恨

Listen 你现在的人生 要什么呢
出门要豪华车 或随缘分
幸福或许是诸葛 三顾也不见得成
所以 达不到你要的 是否该扔
又或者 永远是不可能 满分

You say why 爱让寂寞像永恒
And why 爱像过客不闻不问
Oh why 爱 似乎总不贴近灵魂
Listen 回忆里的气氛 是热是冷

孤芳得像天鹅 还是风筝
或许就像哥伦布 错误点起万盏灯
所以 是不是还想要 再试再撑
又或者 因为曾有的疼 沉沦

You say why 爱让寂寞像永恒
And why 爱像过客不闻不问
Oh why 爱 似乎总不贴近灵魂
怎么能 怎么能

相聚分离 光影凉了又温
想起忘记 眼泪浅了又深

You say why Oh 寂寞像永恒
And why 像过客不闻不问
Oh why 爱 不贴近灵魂

I say why 爱让你充满疑问
And why 爱总让你一点不剩
Oh why why 爱只需建立在一个吻
怎么能 怎么能 怎么能

我觉得幸福就是 不因为去追求过多的幸福 而感到不幸福

青峰的声线近乎完美 .
把这首歌刻画的 , 近乎完美 . 听了, 我轻轻的扬起嘴角 , 笑了 . 兜兜转转在感情 , 人生 , 事业 , 将来 .
我不懂 , 只是肤浅的追求 . 所以我说 , 我一直想做一个肤浅的人 .

我反思 , 如果凡事都有轨迹 , 都有来去 , 那我的思念何去何从了 ?
why , 爱 , 从何选择 ?
那么你呢 ? 等的人 , 到了吗 ?
why, 得不到 , 该不该 去恨 ?
他们说 , 随缘分 .
很多人 都因 曾有的疼 沉沦 .
没有人 明白 爱情 不会有满分 .
盲目的忙碌 , 盲目的兜转 , 盲目的追求 , 盲目的思念 , 盲目的等待 , 盲目的爱恨 , 盲目的沉沦 ,

是的 , 很盲目 . 但是 , 可不可以 就这样继续 天真的 盲目的 下去 ?
20 November, 2011.

Sunday, November 13, 2011


Started with silent.
My heart beats, in silent.
Missing overruns, in silent.
And therefore, I pray, in silent.

I wish, you are the sun.
With serene weather.

Only Heaven knows, I had completely lost it.
And only the Stars knows, how I cried silently in the late night.
Day after day.

这世界 滴滴点点 全部 都是你
November 14, 2011.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

With Me :)

Without planning , unintentionally ,
Falling into contradiction .
Facing the blank with silent , yet , loquacity .
With a little bit of joyful and feeling a little bit of lose .

Spent a weekend at Subang and BP. Where I used to be.
Actually I really love the feeling to work together with my friends, with so much fun, understanding each other well...anyway, I am glad that we can still hanging out together , like we always did :)

With Me :).
November 8, 2011.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

一日假日, 一日宅女.

睁开眼睛, 看见透过窗帘的阳光.
突然发现自己活在这个时代, 然后再想想自己的人生.
人生就是不停的奋斗. 但总要努力先找出自己的路轨.
这个世界也是一样吧, 大家都在时针分针秒针里面赛跑. 追求什么. 在意什么.

昨天打算工作半日后去Mid Valley逛逛, 刚好我上司, 说要去 Mid Valley 一起吃午餐. 我当然说好~ 哈哈. 原本要去Sushi Zenmai 的, 不过排长队, 我们就去[美味园] (Homemade Fish Head Noodle). 我没点招牌鱼头米, 反而点了fried chicken tou fu rice with chef special sauce. 还蛮好吃的, 不过这一盘就RM 10.20, 感觉贵了点. 饮料自然是我的至爱: 腐竹薏米白果, RM 3.50.

哈哈, 难得今天不用做工, 睡到饱, 喝杯咖啡, 再打打部落, 真好.

看到有人叫facebook分享结婚的短片, 心里觉得好羡慕, 有点期待自己的婚礼. 现在没有想要拍拖的念头, 应该是因为还没有遇见命运的惊叹吧. 我相信在这个胡闹的世界上, 有个人等着遇见我. 然后不管这是什么年代, 置身事外的去爱一场.
命运的惊叹, 就是... ! 这样咯.哈哈.
November 6, 2011.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Indonesia Food: Brisik, Jaya One

This post is totally 'fresh'. Haha, which means I just back from gals gathering at Jaya One, and straight away post it.
It's been 2 years since last met with my uni course mates, and finally have a chance to gather up again, we chat like non stop...haha, sincerely, that's great :). Actually, I do feel guilty, after graduation I never actually contact them or catch up with them, my bad... but luckily friendship never fade away easily :) cheers!
Oh yea..we had our gathering at Brisik, Jaya One. It's an Indonesia Food Restaurant, but .... seems not really Indonesia, just more like ... a mixing of Nan Yang style. However, the foods are nice. I ordered Cream Sauce Pasta, which is recommended by the waitress, and it is really nice!

My friend's tum yum soup:

My phone run out of battery, so I din manage to take more photos... so ..that's all.
Check out this place: M2-1, Palm Square, Jaya One, No. 72-A, Jalan Universiti, 46200 Petaling Jaya.

We talk lots of things regarding relationship, suddenly, I feel like it's hard to meet someone that can together make up a perfect couple. Maybe I should just give up my silly thought ... and whatever, just empty the place, be resolute, absolutely, completely.... at least for now, till I found someone I want to hug him tight and kiss him and love him like forever.
I guess that's the connection I always wanted.
Be me.
November 4, 2011.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Melacca Nyonya Food Crave: The Tranquerah.

Last two weeks ago my manager brought me and my colleague to her friend's restaurant, The Tranquerah. It is a Melacca Nyonya food restaurant, located at Damansara, Red Carpet Avenue. Truly, the restaurant is awesome! Not to mention the food served there, huiyo ~ yummy! I had two bowls of rice that night!
Besides, the decoration there is quite unique, yet, comfortable. It is nice place for dining :)
Thanks to my manager for the meal ~~ yeah~~~ *happy*!
Strongly recommended! Five star *****
Ta-Da~~here goes the photos! but I was too concentrated in eating, therefore I forget the name of cuisine... :P

Check out this place @ 62A-G, Red Carpet Avenue, Encorp Strand, Jalan PJU 5/22, Kota Damansara, 47810 Petaling Jaya. Facebook: The Tranquerah.

An empty seat.
November 2, 2011.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Tong Shui Crave: KTZ Food, 记得食.

Kepong Kei Tak Sei is quite a famous and popular place for nice Tong Shui and delicious Dim Sum. I went there with LT, Potato and Janet few weeks ago...Yum Yummy~!
We reached there around 10 something, the Tong Shui almost sold out, so we ordered Fruit Ice - Mango Ice, Honey Drew Ice and Kiwi Ice in the second pic .
I ordered Honey Drew Ice but I think Mango Ice is the best, and later I was kinda regret for ordering icy cold dessert coz it winded and rained heavily when we were enjoying our food, LOL, and I was actually shivering while eating my Honey Drew Ice...T.T...poor thing.
I kinda hand it to LT and Potato, they ordered a second bowl of ice dessert- Red Bean Ice (third pic) , after finish their Mango Ice...Salute! such a cold cold weather...I surrender.
We also ordered few dishes of Dim Sum, personally, strong recommended - Sticky Rice and Siew Kow. Then we ordered SeaweedRroll, Crab Roll, Loh Mai Kai, Crab Meat Toufu and Fish Fillet. Others are quite nice too, but I like sticky rice and siew kow the most, yummmm! :)
I think this place has nice food, however, the price ... kinda expensive, our bill for all the above: RM 52.80. Hmmm, but it's worth to try lah.... :)
Find out this place: KTZ Food. 66, Jalan 7, Kepong Baru, 52100 KL.

Up a tree.
November 1, 2011.