Monday, August 27, 2012

Dine & Psychology.

Dine alone at [the apartment] KLCC after work.
Always running out of idea what to eat when I'm alone, sometimes I rather starve, although I love foods. Perhaps, undeniable, sometimes we really need a companion. Haha, ain't hinting something, I just simply love to share the joy of "tham jiak" (in hokkien means "glutton").
Unexpectedly, quite enjoy the moment of dining alone that day, even had dessert after the meal, LoLs.

To enjoy a pleasant meal, pick a right seat first :) 
So, which seat you usually choose in a restaurant? Do you know our behavior, habit and even choices sometimes reflecting our personality? Psychologically. Haha, here are a few choices: 
A. Middle of the restaurant.
B. Close to windows.
C. Corner seats.
D. Close to entrance.

The result of analysis? See at the bottom of this post ; )

Cocktail: Tango Mango, recommended by the waiter. Hmm...I didn't really taste mango in the drink...but, quite owkay. Chill~

Seafood spaghetti recommended by waiter as well. The waiter is quite fervent, he even advised me to have the spaghetti while it is still hot...when I was taking this photo. LoLs. Taste good, I prefer fried pasta with olive oil, rather than cream or tomato paste.

Guess I was in good appetite, the dessert: Signature Red Velvet Cake, berries with cheese, nice dessert ; )

Went pass the park after dinner. There was color fountain on show, so I stopped by. It's been a while, oh, I should say, I never really relax myself... 

Owkay, time to reveal~~
Those who choose to sit:
A. Middle of the restaurant, are people with strong confidence, passion and love victory. They might be extraordinary, or...maybe not, in the reality. They are usually assertive, stubborn and perhaps "boast" type. 

B. Close to windows, are cheerful, rational and whose love freedom. They seems peace and tender, however, are tough and strong person. They love planning, doing things step by step, and like to get well prepared.

C. Corner seats, are low profile observer. They usually stand at a side and observing people around, feel uneasy to become attention of the crowd. They are usually sentimental and sensitive.

D. Close to entrance, usually intense, impatient, and energetic. They are living in fast pace, with indomitable and strong will. However, sometimes maybe a bit obstinate.

How do you think? Hmm~ :)
August 27, 2012.

Friday, August 24, 2012




August 23, 2012.

Friday, August 10, 2012

[ ED:] 七年半

有些人一直回想缅怀过去, 有些人一直憧憬未来的目的地.
日子不知不觉的在过, 我一写就写了七年半, 起起落落, 删除重新继续写. 也许是我在人前不善表达, 也或许是言不由衷的理由太多, 才让这部落延续至今.
如今, 一提起 '时间' 二字, 我就欲言又止. 过去的, 即使再深刻, 我也已经找不回适当的文字去绘出那些感觉. 未来的, 却太模糊, 太空泛, 太害怕去想象. 然后, 我才惊觉, 此刻的平凡的房间, 耳机里传来梁静茹的新歌, 空气的味道, 被单的温度, 镜子反映的那个脸孔, 还有寻常到常被我忽略的心跳. 看着秒针绕圈的舞步, 节奏如此平实. 平实到, 我几乎不知道该说什么, 也想不到任何事情.
嗯, 简单来说, 就是 ... 我在电脑荧幕前发呆.
一直重覆听着 [爱久见人心]. 我在想, 其实, 是不是每一样东西都会受到时间的考验, 有自己的有效期限, 抑或都会被琢磨成型? 我都已经忘了ExpiringDate: 这名字的由来. 认真回想, 这七年半的变数, 是当初的我未曾预料的, 我甚至不知道明天或在什么时候, 会突然想通了什么, 就像一刀突然划下成型. 我才突然明白为何领悟总是难免伤痛, 却又那么干脆, 那么必然, 那么精髓.
我原本就猜不透, 就只好坐在这里, 继续努力也好, 继续疯狂也好, 继续装傻也好, 继续长篇大论唠唠叨叨, 继续等...

我, 爱或不爱, 爱久见人心.
August 10, 2012.

Monday, August 6, 2012

迟早, it's only the matter of time.

刚放下手上的工作, 开了一只冷酒, 一包薯片, 几首jj的歌, 还有...一道为了开酒弄到的新伤口.
我不身在所谓的娱乐圈, 但关于感情的事, 一直备受瞩目. 是饭后闲聊的话题, 是不同群的朋友们讨论的话题, 是被猜测的谣言, 是被人唾骂的对象, 是众人忙着帮忙配对的对象, 是开玩笑, 是什么都好...我真的不知道也好, 很多都是知道也装作不知道. 有时候, 单身, 无形中却成为了困扰, 我明明很低调.
其实, 对于感情的事, 学着抱着随缘的心态, 即使在一个人的时候, 有很多很多无奈的对话, 我仍然努力的保持着随缘的心态. 有些事 的发生, 只是迟早. It's only the matter of time, 一句就涵括了一切, 涵括了很多很多我一直没有说出口的话, 连该说的 也都省略掉.

连文字都开始失了焦. 后来, 我却只是平静的等待, 等待一个迟早.
August 6, 2012.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Another trip to Port Dickson.

Again, a trip to Port Dickson. It's been awhile, being "inactive" state among my uni-friends. It's great to be in touch again.
I never thought of staying here for such a long time, and having so much memories here, a place without home. But, here I am, standing here, with my life, my career, my footsteps and every single things. With nothing with me, from the arrogant, stubborn little girl, begin to turn into a person with humble and veiled thoughts.

Perhaps, nothing is secret.

Good Life ...

Good night and sweet dream.

A weird prologue for my update. Things getting weird recently, or I should say, I have been thinking too much recent days. Pushing myself and making my life in pain, and I did it again today.

It is harder than expected to be on the fence, swinging between both heartbreaking decisions. Truly  madly deeply, a heartbreaking path. Some answers are like roses, they have thorns. Some are like stars, they glow, however in a dark, cold, liveless desert. Some are like mirrors, reflecting almost near to absolute truth, somehow so distorted by eyes of a person. There is no answers for me at this moment, perhaps, the harder parts are always intentions and emotions. Many said to live a life and move on. Yea, as long as life is good, nothing much I to complaint about.
This gotta be a good life, this could really be a good life, a good, good life.

Try to be truthful, to myself.
This is only the matter of time, people come people go. Hopelessly, I needed a hug from you, a sincere hug with tons of words which never tell.

Good night and sweet dream, to you whom I care a lot, with whole-hearted, with care, and with love.
August 5, 2012.