here they are~~
Reach Kuching around 10pm, well, it's kinda late, at first my and mum planned to eat Kueh Chap at 3rd mile pasar, but the Kueh Chap finished dy *sad* I ordered my one of my favourite food- Tomato mee~ :) still owkay, but I still loving the Hui Shing Garden's. It's a simple yet nice dish with crispy fried mee and sweet sour tomato sauce on it, yum~
Then the next day, had dinner with the a shop at MJC. Their chopsticks are quick, fast and furious, hahaha, luckily I still manage to snap some pictures of the dishes :) . Got Sweet & Sour Chicken, Kuching style O-Jian (fried oyster), Butter Fish Fillet, Thai style Biring, Teh C Peng, Sizzling TauFu, Fried Mami with Egg and Fried Beehoon.

Laksa, Fish ball soup with Kolo mee, Gui Fei Mee, Kueh Chap, Teh C Peng.
The last day, plan to go 4th mile eat Kueh Chap, that's my mum favourite Kueh Chap place, but it closed on that day..*sad again:(* So we change to another kopitiam to have breakfast. I ordered Teh C Special, and mum ordered Teh C peng, but later she asked me whether got any differences? differences in that kopitiam, maybe we should go 7th mile to get the most Niccceee Teh C peng in Kuching :D
Anyway, I just enjoy to 'Teh C Peng' with my family, seeing them happy n' healthy. Suddenly, I feel whatever happened, just doesn't matter, as long as they are happy n' healthy.
So, regarding the question, how an airplane fllies? guess we gonna have a brief aerodynamic lesson...but simplify, it's air pressure that push the airplane upward, in the condition that the bigger pressure under the wings and a smaller pressure on the top. The wings of airplane are design in a special shaped called airfoil (or called as aerofoil), it is curve on the top and flat on the bottom, allowing some air to go over the top and the rest go along the bottom. The air moving at the bottom of airfoil is slower and create a bigger pressure.
All informations can be found in NASA website .
Enjoy living, Enjoy eating, Enjoy with the lovess.
May 30, 2011.